Challenge a Claim
Challenge the developer if the specifications are not met.
Last updated
Challenge the developer if the specifications are not met.
Last updated
During the review period, you can challenge the claimer if the specifications are not met.
1) If you think that the last claimer's PR doesn't meet the deal creator's specifications, click on Challenge the Claim.
2) Once redirected, connect your wallet and click on Challenge Claim.
3) After that, wait for the jurors to make their ruling.
4) Once the dispute is resolved, the bot will tell you who wins the dispute.
a) If the claimer wins, he will earn the dispute funds and will be able to execute the payment.
b) If the challenger wins, he will earn the dispute funds and the previous claim will be canceled. Then, anybody can claim the reward again.
c) If the jurors couldn't choose a winner, the deposit fund is refunded to the challenger, and the claimer will be able to execute the payment after the challenger period has expired.